• Mar 21, 2022
  • Article

Preplant Herbicide Restrictions

Alfalfa crops are sensitive to many herbicides used on common rotational crops.

Highlight the following considerations about weed management on rotational crops for growers.

  1. Some crop rotation restrictions can be as long as 24 months after herbicide application, so growers should review product labels prior to application and plan their weed management accordingly.

  2. Failing to meet the appropriate alfalfa planting interval after applying herbicides may result in poor stand establishment due to residual herbicide damage.

  3. The alfalfa rotation interval for many herbicides applied to corn, wheat or other small grains is presented in the tables in the document linked below.

For exact timing on planting following herbicide applications, visit this page

Pre-Harvest Maintenance Checklist For Your Alfalfa Mower
Article • Agronomy, Agronomy & Management, Farmer trials and experience, People and Partners, Pest & Disease, Research

Pre-Harvest Maintenance Checklist For Your Alfalfa Mower