1. Reduced-lignin alfalfa
The most advanced alfalfa trait on the market, genetically enhanced HarvXtra® Alfalfa with Roundup Ready® Technology helps growers maximize quality while at the same time having more flexibility than ever in their cutting schedules.
2. Fall dormancy and winterhardiness
W-L Alfalfas produces varieties in a range of fall dormancies with comparable winterhardiness ratings. Consider your yield and quality goals as well as the type of hay or silage you are producing when making a variety selection.
3. Weed control
Roundup Ready® Alfalfa controls weeds like nothing else, for a thicker stand, higher yield and a higher percentage of pure alfalfa in forage.
4. Disease and pest protection
In-seed resistance is the best protection against threats from seedling diseases or diseases in established stands, aphids and nematodes. W-L Alfalfas is leading the way in improved traits like these, as well as in salt-tolerant alfalfas.
Ask your seed supplier about the following W-L Alfalfas varieties, including HarvXtra® Alfalfa with Roundup Ready® Technology, for unmatched quality, yield potential and flexibility.